VPS Hosting

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 Server Management

You can Start, Stop, Restart or Rebuild your VPS from the Server Management Panel

 Full Root Access

We give you complete control of your server with full root access. You can manage how your server resources are deployed

 VNC Access

VNC allows you quick access to your VPS for easy management.


Alternatively, you can install & integrate WHMCS with your VPS Server

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 Instant Provisioning

Get your server up and running immediately! Our servers are provisioned within a few moments


 Choose your Operating System

Select the operating system that best works you. The operating systems available on our servers are



Choose your management panel

You get to control how your control panel will look. Choose from the following:

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 DDOS Protection

Your server security is guaranteed through our advanced DDOS layer that ensures protection against all attacks

 Cutting – edge infrastructure

All our VPS servers are powered by trusted, state-of-the-art infrastructure to make sure they’re always up and running

 Private Network

Set up a private network between your VPS’s for fast and secure communication

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  • CentOS 6/CentOS 7/Ubuntu 16.04/Fedora 23/Debian 8
  • Multiple locations
  • Private Network
  • Quick VNC access
  • rDNS support


  • Top notch network built with Tier 1 ISPs
  • SSD Storage
  • Tier IV Data Center
  • Neustar’s DDoS protection
  • Backed by Juniper Networks


  • cPanel (only with CentOS 7)
  • Plesk Onyx
  • SAN Storage
  • CDN

Semi-Managed Support

  • Free cPanel Migrations
  • Boot, Login, Network, Hardware, Rebuild

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Fast-moving linux vps software and hardware. Deal with high-level security and most high-speed connectivity.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][ultimate_pricing]Best Start for Your Small Business Success Online!

  • 1 CPU Core
  • 2048 MB RAM
  • 20GB SSD Storage
  • 2TB Bandwidth
  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 20 GB SSD Disk Space
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 1 TB Bandwidth
  • 2 Cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 20 GB SSD (Expandable)
  • 1 TB Transfer

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High-Performance you nee

Virtual Private Servers are built from the ground using all SSD storage. Enjoy increased power, flexibility, and get full control for your Business.


  •  High-speed SSD Storage
  •  Instant Provisioning
  •  Full Root Access

Explore VPS platform

Linux VPS Hosting


Frequently Asked Questions

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[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Do we have a backup & recovery for VPS Hosting?” style=”arrow”]

Yes. We provide Acronis Backup solution, which can be purchased along with your VPS hosting at an additional cost.

– Acronis backup is an easy & reliable solution which helps take regular real-time backups of database, files, mailboxes & disks. It offers customized options like full or incremental backups, with a daily, weekly or monthly frequency.- The VPS backup data is fully encrypted against ransomware, and restoration is fast & instant.

– Acronis backup is available for USA & Asia server locations. Any incremental purchase of backup volume will add more volume to an existing Acronis panel (depending on the location).

– New customers can buy Acronis Backup add-on in the purchase flow whereas existing customers can buy it from their control panel.

– Acronis Cyber Backup add-on is not covered under the money back guarantee refund policy.

– The tenure & renewal cycle of Acronis backup is independent of the hosting tenure purchased.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can I install any software on my VPS Packages?” style=”arrow”]With TGB best VPS Hosting package, you will get complete control of your server with full root access. You can control administrator access over your hosting environment like how your server resources are extended.

You can install any software without any restrictions that are compatible with your vps hosting india cheap. You can run a various operating system with just one simple click.

Additionally, our cheap vps provider’s expert support management team that will always be obtainable for you to resolve your difficulties.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_toggle title=”Does VPS Hosting have a money back guarantee?” style=”arrow”]

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What type of support do you offer?” style=”arrow”]

TGB provides complete support on all our VPS Hosting Plans for issues that are related to Boot, Network, Hardware, Login and Re-installation of the VM. This also includes basic firewall setup and preliminary investigation of any system exploits. For the complete scope of support, please refer to the technical specifications section.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What is VPS Hosting? How is it useful to Clients?” style=”arrow”]A Virtual private server hosting (In shortly VPS hosting) is a virtualized server. The concept of a virtual private server hosting or best VPS Hosting environment imitates a dedicated server within a web hosting environment.

It is based on virtualization technology that installed on a physical computer. Each high-speed fastest vps hosting is running with multiple operating systems (OS), which offers a large amount of security and best performance.

The low-cost/cheap VPS hosting  comes with dedicated resources & full root (superuser) access to your server. It can install any software, application without restriction in the operating system level.[/vc_toggle][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]