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Wildlife Instincts: The Moon Bear – Japan’s Most Elusive Animal | Free Documentary Nature

Wildlife Instincts: The Moon Bear – Japan’s Most Elusive Animal | Free Documentary Nature

Wildlife Instincts – Episode 3: The Moon Bear – Japan’s Most Elusive Animal | Free Nature Documentary

Watch “Wildlife Instincts: Chameleons – Designed to Hunt”:

The Ashio Mountain Range was once stripped of its lush forests by intensive mining but has undergone a remarkable rejuvenation. Regenerated forests have hailed the return of one of Japan’s most elusive animals, Moon bears.
As spring arrives in Ashio, mother Moon bears and their cubs wake from their long winter hibernation. Cubs see the outside world for the very first time and must learn fast.
Families face many dangers growing up in Ashio. Male bears will kill cubs given the opportunity. Mothers bravely fight to protect their young but are often overpowered by determined males. It is a ruthless behaviour but females will not mate while breastfeeding their young.
All of Ashio’s bears face a race against time to prepare for their long winter hibernation.


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