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15 Most Accurate Predictions Of Kali Yuga By Lord Krishna

15 Most Accurate Predictions Of Kali Yuga By Lord Krishna

Indian Monk

Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga. Common attributes and consequences are spiritual bankruptcy, meaningless hedonism, the collapse of all social structure, greed and materialism, unrestricted selfishness, afflictions, and diseases of the mind and body.
It is surprising that the sage Ved Vyasa when he lived, knew that the earth would be a horrible place to live for the next 5,000 years. The next 15 predictions, written 5,000 years ago by the wise Veda Vyasa, are surprising because they seem very precise. Despite the negative tone of these prophecies, there is still an interesting point for all of us, mentioned at the end of the video.



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