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Wrestlers Who Died In The Ring

Wrestlers Who Died In The Ring

While wresting is a notoriously dangerous sport and most wresters walk-away with their lives intact, this wouldn’t be the case for these wresters who died in the ring. Mitsuharu Misawa, one of the biggest names in Japanese wrestling, also known as “Tiger Mask” would come to a tragic end in 2009 when his opponent would give Misawa a back suplex. Becoming frozen after impact, the nervous crowd would watch in fear, as “Tiger Mask” would finally be declared passed at the hospital, all due to heart failure. British monster heel Malcolm “King Kong kirk” was the tag team partner to the even larger “Giant Haystacks”, and on August 1987, his size made no difference in the ring. When his opponent “Big Daddy” Crabtree would commit his final blow to “King Kong Kirk”, it would be the last, as “King Kong Kirk” would quickly pass of a pre-existing heart condition short after. At the young age of 29, Wayne Van Dyke, aka Richard Delicious was an independent Florida wrestler. At an event hosted by the Ronin Pro Wrestling Promotion, Richard Delicious would suffer a small heart attack, followed by two more on his way to the hospital. Coupled with the broken rib and punctured lung resulting from attempted CPR, this tragedy would be enough to off him.

The equally young Japanese wrestler Plum Mariko passed in the ring following a power bomb from her opponent in 1997. It wouldn’t be until the end of the match when Mariko was seen unmoving and snoring, a sign of bleeding in the brain, that Mariko would be deemed gone. Finally “The Blue Blazer”, as played by Owen Hart would succumb to his injuries in 1999. Following a WWF decision to give Hart a legendary entrance only fit for a superhero, things would quickly turn. While an elaborate system of wires was built to lower Hart into the ring, the pulley system would quickly malfunction, sending “the Blue Blazer” plummeting to his end in the ring, only to be declared passed to over 16,000 witnesses.

#Wrestlers #Wrestling #ProWrestlers

Mitsuharu “Tiger Mask” Misawa | 0:15
King Kong Kirk | 1:14
Wayne “Richard Delicious” Van Dyke | 2:13
Plum Mariko | 2:59
Owen Hart | 3:47


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